Monday, March 12, 2012


Could the Lord ever forget his love
The rebels have ruined northern Uganda
The L.R.A., the Lord’s Resistance Army
Which massacres, mutilates villagers—
Cutting off noses, ears, genitals—kidnapping
Their children who they then turn into 
Murderers of their parents, teachers, friends
Could the Lord ever leave you
Charlotte Awino, abducted in 1996
When she was fourteen, one of twenty
Thousand children brutally kidnapped
Forced immediately to commit atrocities
Killing was the crux of an abductee’s 
Initiation, making them one of the rebels
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Joseph Kony, the Lord of the resistance movement
The Messiah, the true Jesus Christ, Lakwena, Father
One who serves the Holy Spirit, has over fifty wives
More than a hundred children, re-populating his tribe
The Acholis, making them strong, future leaders
Of their country, when they win the war
Could the Lord ever leave you

The civil war—which has persisted for eighteen years—
Scattering over one and a half million villagers to seek
Sanctuary and shelter in refugee camps, preferring 
Slow death by disease and malnutrition, to certain
Death and mutilation with the arrival of the rebels 
At their door, in their village, with no defense
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Kony’s confessed aim is to take over the southern capital
Of Kampala, but he rarely crosses the Nile which divides
The desolate northern regions with the south, he mainly
Makes war on his own tribe, the Acholi, punishing them
For their sins, particularly the sin of not supporting him
How can one man wield so much power among his tribesmen
Could the Lord ever leave you
On Independence Day, October 9, 1996, rebels invaded
St. Mary’s, a convent boarding school run by Italian nuns
Went into the dormitory rooms of these virginal girls
Dragged them out screaming and thrashing, tied them up
Some of the girls recognized their captors, they being
Boys just abducted from a nearby school the previous month
Could the Lord ever forget his love
The following day, Sister Rachele Frassera, assistant headmistress
Persuaded the commander of the invaders to release one hundred
And nine girls but he kept thirty, very selective, choosing those 
With desirable traits such as beauty, light skin color, good health
Charlotte, Grace, Janet and Caroline, crying hysterically, until they 
Were kicked, beaten into submission, a new form of slavery  
Could the Lord ever leave you
The horror of escape was instantly imprinted in the minds
Of the new arrivals by the disappearance of Jennifer, when
She was found hiding in a hut, the other girls were given 
Orders to beat her to death, although the girls didn’t want
To harm her, the rebel soldiers forced them to beat harder
Until she was dead, then they left her corpse as a reminder
Could the Lord ever forget his love
That resistance was futile, they couldn’t help one another
They too were murderers, their former selves were destroyed
The girls of St. Mary’s were Kony’s favorites, he
Promised them privileged positions when he took over the 
Government, meanwhile he distributed them almost like
Bounty, to his commanders and they had to go willingly 
Could the Lord ever leave you
And never refuse their “husbands” sex or he would punish
Them the first time with two hundred strokes of the cane
Another time he would brandish their foreheads with a 
Hot iron, but these girls were his preferred, the others he
Would execute as witches, these girls raised by their traditional 
Families to always obey authority, especially religious authority
Could the Lord ever forget his love
The girls believed that he was the supreme one, who could do 
No wrong, while in fact like true megalomaniacs, his decisions 
Were based on his sole obsessional whims, when he was in 
Good spirits, he was friendly, merciful, encouraging, in a 
Bad mood, he was vengeful and ordered killings, but now—
The girls think he should be forgiven, according to Acholi justice
Could the Lord ever leave you
The girls knew nothing about sex, just that the loss of virginity 
Would mean they would be damaged for life, in their communities 
If ever they could escape, in their spiritual and psychological 
Makeup, mutilated as the most obvious cases, scarred for life
The commanders made it their mission to have sex with the 
Girls during their fertile periods—all had children, their husbands  
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Varied as much in their actions and customs as in ordinary society
Charlotte’s husband is still with the rebels, is a seasoned veteran
Of nineteen years, he has twenty-one wives with whom he is very 
Rude, very cruel, showing no mercy to anyone—Grace Acan was Given to an old man, she was his favorite wife, he taught her Everything, punished her often but she didn’t mind because 
Could the Lord ever leave you
She thought it was for her own good, he was a government 
Informer—Janet Akello had a disabled man as a mate
A former commander, whose leg had been amputated, he walked 
On crutches, he was nice to her, he had recently been captured by Government troops, Caroline Anyango’s husband had died, she Was despondent, with no one to take care of her and her children
Could the Lord ever forget his love
She worked as a nurse in another commander’s home, providing 
Some protection—President Yoweri Museveni did little to combat
The LRA in the 1980’s and 90’s, thinking, hoping that it would 
Self-destruct, the Ugandan government sided with the  
Sudanese rebels while the government of the Sudan
Supported the LRA, then everything changed—
Could the Lord ever leave you
When the girls were taken from their elite, private school, the 
Parents of these abducted children, Angelina Atyam, Charlotte’s
Mother, Frank Olyet Ayo-Ogang, Caroline’s father formed
The Concerned Parents Association and appealed to the Pope 
Thereby gaining international attention and concern, Sister
Rachele and the parents put pressure on the governments
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Who gave aid to Uganda to do something to end this insurgence
For eight years, the parents stirred up so much international anger
That Angelina was chosen to meet with Lagira, the leader of 
The raid on St. Mary’s, he told her he would release Charlotte 
If she would stop her activism, but Angelina refused to accept
Charlotte until all the girls were released, she described how 
Could the Lord ever leave you
Months after the abduction and the formation of CPA, she was
Single-handedly committed to the cause, and her refusal was
Like a female version of the Abraham-Isaac story, she relayed 
Her story to newspapers and television throughout the world
Becoming a celebrity who was invited to the White House 
By Hilary Clinton to receive an award, others came from
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Kofi Annan, Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, in 2002 Uganda 
And Sudan signed a treaty to stop supporting each others’ 
Insurrectionaries a new general was put in charge of the 
Ugandan army and new battles were fought, giving new 
Opportunities for the girls to escape, in July of 2004, Charlotte
Was the first of the four girls to make a successful flight 
Could the Lord ever leave you

Although they had all been told that their parents were dead
Rumors had seeped through about the CPA, Charlotte 
Believed that her mother was searching for her, she had a vision
That she would escape the next day, just walk away the 
Messenger said, so she did with the guard staring right 
Through her, with her two-year old son, Miracle, on her back
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Her six-year old son, Ronald, having disappeared during
Another battle and kept himself alive by eating mangoes
Fifty rebels were chosen to hunt her down but they came 
Instead in the clutches of the Ugandan Army, so Charlotte
Reached a village where authorities called her mother
Janet followed in August, Grace in September, Caroline 
Could the Lord ever leave you
In November, the four heroines of my tale traveled with 
Melanie Thernstrom, a journalist, who took them from 
Their homes in Lira to Gulu, near the Sudanese border
To a rehabilitation center named World Vision, where 
Former rebels could receive treatment for a month, as if 
A month could erase all the horror, hurt and sorrow that 
Could the Lord ever forget his love
They had endured—different experiences awaited them
Janet met up with her husband, Charles Otom, expressly
Against her parents wishes, Charles had related to Melanie
That the best option for captured male rebels is to join
The Ugandan army proving their loyalty, but he is a cripple 
Before he was captured, he heard that Janet was free
Could the Lord ever leave you
He asked Melanie to bring Janet to him
He didn’t say he loved her, just that he needed her
For money, a place to live, and a father should 
Have control of his children, Janet and he spoke in
Acholi, his voice loud and threatening but it did no
Good, he ordered her to stay but she didn’t
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Grace met a former friend from grammar school at 
World Vision, Sam Kilaro, the center’s outreach
Coordinator, he greeted her so warmly until she 
Told him she had been one of the St. Mary girls 
His attitude changed immediately, just as the 
Girls had foretold, damaged goods they now were
Could the Lord ever leave you
They could not turn back the hands of time, they 
Were re-united with their fellow inmates but didn’t 
Speak much as they couldn’t speak when they were 
Under captivity lest the guards think they were conspiring 
Something, but they were happy that the unthinkable 
Had come to past, they were meeting in freedom
Could the Lord ever forget his love
The girls learned many things in captivity: how to 
Give birth, forage for potatoes, kill someone in cold blood
Although starved, beaten and forced to do hard labor
As the wives of commanders, they were spared being
Fighters, weren’t forced to kill their parents, relatives
Teachers, neighbors, weren’t forced to cut, pull out
Could the Lord ever leave you
Or burn eyes, they are fortunate to have families who
Still wanted them, willing to accept the children they 
Bore in captivity, their families happily received
Them back, Caroline’s grandmother in her ancestral 
Village danced welcome around her, they are proceeding
With their lives, attending a British boarding school in the fall
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Although still wracked with memories of killings, atrocities
They are told now again and again, that nothing they did
While they were rebels was their fault, they can only hope
And pray, believe in their faith’s promise of forgiveness
And rebirth, they told of a hymn they were forbidden to sing
But they sang it in their hearts and knew they weren’t abandoned
Could the Lord ever leave you
Could the Lord ever forget his love
Though the mother forsakes the child
He will not abandon you
Information taken from Charlotte, Grace, Janet and Caroline Come Home
in an article published May 8, 2005 and written by Melanie Thernstrom